Municipal / Industrial Rope Rescue Programs


Rescue Canada Rope Rescue courses cover all of the 2017 NFPA 1006- and 1670-chapter 5, Job Performance Requirements that pertain to that level of certification. Rescue Canada’s Rope Rescue courses are recognized by the BC Construction Safety Association for funded training through the THARR program and preapproved Continuing Education credits through EMA licencing.
Completion of the online awareness course is required for each level of the practical courses. Each of the practical courses includes a formal practical evaluation of personal and team skills. Listed below is a brief description of the courses available and some of the scheduling options.


Awareness is the introduction to technical rope rescue. Awareness certification is the online course and will be included with all levels of certification. The online course is expected to take 2-3 hours, depending on the student’s background. The course objectives are to make all participants aware of the hazards, control measures and requirements to conduct a rope rescue and an introduction to equipment and techniques.

Level 1 – Support

Rope Rescue Support certification is the online course plus 1 day of practical. The course objectives are to make the students a functional part of the rescue operation by acting in support of the rescue team. On completion, the participant will be able to:

Level 2 – Operations – Embankment, Low to Steep

Rope Rescue Operations can be in a high angle or a wilderness embankment environment. For most rescue organizations, Embankment is the most common type of incident, and the foundation for the development of the rescue team. The required skills are the same for both environments, but the techniques will have some differences.
Course agenda options for classroom and practical courses include:

Level 2 – Operations – High Angle

The natural progression for rope rescue is to start with embankment, then progress into high angle. Level 2 high angle operations is designed to prepare the participant to confidently operate a rescue station with minimal supervision in a vertical rescue environment.
Course agenda options include:

Level 3 – Technician

Rope Rescue Technician training is targeting more complex rescue evolutions and developing rescue team leaders. Participants performing at technician level will be expected to have a higher level of technical skills and ability to function as a team leader. Participants with technician level certification may be a technical adviser for their organization. Participants will have completed both rope rescue level 2 courses as a prerequisite prior to attending the level 3 course.

Level 4 – Tower Crane

Rope rescue level 4 is specific to rescue from tower cranes. The level 4 course requires completion of the online course and level 3 as a prerequisite. The level 4 course will include a review of level 3 skills, and techniques specific to rescue from tower cranes.

Custom Courses

Rescue Canada courses are broken into instructional units or modules. Each module will meet all of the NFPA and Work Safe requirements specific to that subject. This structure will allow for the development of customized training options. Organizations that are not required to meet all of the skills identified by NFPA may be able to select modules that are specific to their scope of practice.

Industrial Rope Rescue Program

Rescue Canada is recognized by the British Columbia Construction Safety Association (BCCSA) as an approved training organization to provide funded rope rescue training for organizations that qualify for funding. Our programs meet all of the NFPA standards for each level of certification. In addition to certification training, Rescue Canada can assist Fire/Rescue departments with the development and support of a structured on-going skills maintenance program required by NFPA standards.
Rope rescue is the foundation for all technical rescue disciplines as all of the technical rescue disciplines contain some form of rope rescue techniques in them. Additional programs offered by Rescue Canada include:
Through our partnerships we can also offer programs in:
Rescue Canada rope rescue training has been added to the Approved Activities List as shown below for EMA licensing continuing education credits.

Rescue Canada – Rope Safety Awareness Program


once per reporting period

Rescue Canada – Rope Rescue Operations – Embankment


once per reporting period

Rescue Canada – Rope Rescue Operations – High Angle


once per reporting period

Rescue Canada – Rope Rescue Support


once per reporting period

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